Bobby Mack did work on Saturday, finishing 2nd in the 10k Trail National Championship race at the Continental Divide Trail Race in the North Carolina Mountains.
Locally, we were well represented at the Run For Your Life 5K at WakeMed Soccer Park. It was a challenging xc course where four team members placed and finished well.
Jack Smith 21:16 - 1st place age group
Ronnie Jones 21:23 - 1st place age group - New 5K PR
Dave Mulley 21:37 - 2nd place age group
Jackie Okoth 26:17 - 1st place age group
Great job, all, and keep up the good work! Fall is around the corner and cooler temps will be here soon. Racing season will be in full swing and it's time to reap the harvest of hard, hot, and humid summer training.